Saturday, November 23, 2013

Christmas Tree is Up!


We made butter today. Mrs. Green's Class joined us, and helped. We predicted how we thought butter was made, wrote about it, and made it! Most of the kids liked it. Some wouldn't even try it! 

Our chant while shaking: 

"Shake, Shake, Shake, how long does it take take take, to make BUTTER!!! 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


We have started daily journals; it was a neat idea that I learned about at one of my literacy workshops. The kids seem to be having fun with it. It helps get them ready for independent work that will be coming in second grade. (: It would help if you're able to send a composition book for your child to use. 
If your child is planning on running in the 5K, please send money, and papers back tomorrow! The first training is tomorrow after school! We need the papers back before they can train. 

Thanks to all of you! I have a great class with great parents! We are learning so, so much! 

Treats for Halloween

Star Student

A.R. Awards

Veteran's Day

We had three veterans visit our classroom, and we learned so much!